Working memory is our ability to maintain information over a short time period towards a behavioural goal. My PhD and postdoctoral research to date has focused on understanding the behavioural and neurobiological correlates of working memory in health and its deficits in patients with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. I combine psychophysical methods with non-invasive brain-imaging techniques and brain stimulation (TMS).
I completed my BSc in Experimental Psychology (2006-2009) at University College London (UCL). I stayed on to start my PhD, funded by the Brain Research Trust, at Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Institute of Neurology, UCL, under the supervision of Prof. Masud Husain and Prof. Geraint Rees (2009-2012). I then held two postdoctoral positions in the Cognitive Neurology (2012-2014) and the Brain and Cognition Labs (2014-2015) before starting my British Academy postdoctoral Fellowship under the mentorship of Prof. Kia Nobre and Prof Masud Husain in University of Oxford (2016-2018).